When you mark yourself as on-site for a job, Consol will set the on-site flag and record the time and geo-coordinates of your check in. When registered as on-site, you will be able to update the order and attach documents from your mobile app.
1. Navigate to the Active Jobs worklist
2. Select the relevant job you're attending
The job opens in Plan Mode, allowing you to check your order details (summary, items, documents, notes, surveys) prior to anything else.
3. Select Work
A pop-up box will appear asking you to confirm that you want to check in as being on-site.
4. Select YES
When users are marked on site for a job, a boot icon will be displayed against the orders. Orders with yourself or other users in your company marked on-site are automatically sorted to the top of your Active Jobs worklist.
A job that you are currently checked in as on-site for. | |
A job that a team member from your company is checked in as on-site for. |
Whilst you are registered as on-site and are using the mobile app, updates will be sent to ConSol every 5 minutes to confirm you are still active. If location awareness is turned on, these updates will contain your geo-coordinates.
While marked as on-site, history notes will include the GPS coordinates and a calculated distance from the order location.