Get access to ConSol Mobile training and testing environments to evaluate new features and practice your workflows in the safety of a sandbox separate to the production system
1. From the login screen on ConSol Mobile, click four times on the blue Yarris logo.
2. On the Environment Selection screen, click the blue Switch Envs button.
3. Select 'UAT' for access to the user acceptance testing environment. You may be directed to select a different environment from time-to-time and depending on the scenario.
4. Click Back to return to the login screen.
When connecting to a different ConSol environment, your password will be different to the production environment and may need to be reset. Read more about resetting your password here.
Joining the beta group of ConSol Mobile testers
We offer a beta program available via Apple App Store and Google Play for ConSol Mobile for interested and eligible participants who wish to gain access to pre-release versions of ConSol Mobile. You can register your interest with our ConSol Customer Support team.
To connect ConSol Mobile with the real, production ConSol environment follow the steps above and select 'Prod' from the environment list. Ensure you enter your username and password for the production environment.