The Gateway Importer enables you to quickly and easily create new orders in bulk, ConSol allows for an automated integration to reduce the manual process of importing.
Import files in CSV or XLS format will be picked up for processing from a named S3 bucket. The file layout will correspond to the template that has been created to process it. The file name should include date/time specifications to assist with later audit requirements.
The system requirements are as follows:
- Files will be delivered to the correct customer-specific in-tray folder in the yarris-consol-interfaces-prod S3 bucket. Separate sub-folders will exist for each template.
- ConSol will poll this site every minute and will attempt to process files that are found.
- If the structure or format of the file is invalid, it will be moved to the error folder.
- Files that are able to be processed are moved to the archive folder
- During processing, each row in the import file will be read and if there are no data issues, the appropriate project views, orders and items will be created in ConSol.
- Each row in the import file will contain details of a project view, order & item to be created in ConSol.
- If multiple items are to be created for an order or multiple orders are to be created within a project view, then multiple rows for the project view will need to be provided.
- A unique identifier must be provided for each project view and if this is not found in ConSol, a new project view will be created. If the identifier is found, ConSol will attempt to process a new order for that project view. The outcome of the project view creation will be written to the status file and the ConSol generated primary key for the project view will be provided.
- A unique identifier must be provided for each order and if this is not found in ConSol, a new order will be created and a new ConSol ‘B Order number’ will be generated. If the identifier is found, ConSol will attempt to add the item to that order. The outcome of the order creation will be written to the status file and the ConSol ‘B’ number will be provided as the ConSol primary key.
- If the item ID already exists on the orders, the creation of the item in ConSol will be recorded as a fail in the status file and the ConSol generated primary key for the item will be provided.
The Error bucket in S3 should be regularly checked for import files that failed to process.
- The data in the import file must be sorted by project view and order. When a new project view identifier is read in the file, it will be assumed that all required rows for the previous project view identifier have been provided and the project view will be tagged for final processing.
- The import file is moved to the S3 archive folder when it has been processed
- For each processed import file, a success file (in json format) will be written to the out-tray folder. The file will detail the processing results, identifying the number of rows processed and how many were successful. Details for each row in the import file will also be provided, identifying whether the entity (ie project view, order or order item) was created and for each entity, what was the identifier provided in the import file and the ConSol generated identifier.
- If any of the rows in the import file failed due to data errors, a RELOAD file, in xlsx format, will be written to the out-tray folder in S3. Every failed row will be listed in the RELOAD file and the cell with problematic data will be highlighted. When manually viewed, a comment linked to the problem cell will provide detail of the data error.
Order Item Import or RELOAD files can be manually uploaded in ConSol
- The result of Import processing can be viewed from the Batch Jobs List (Interfaces -> Find Batch Jobs menu).
- The import file name is displayed in the description column
- The progress column identifies the number of rows that were in the import file
- The view link will enable the user to view the detailed results of a particular import
- For an import with a status of COMPLETE, the outcome for each project view listed in the import file is presented, and the life-cycle stage that the order created against the project view has progressed to is displayed. A warning is presented to the user to advise that the order was not transmitted to a supplier, which is the ultimate stage that orders created from the import could achieve. This is only achievable if all data to enable this transmission is provided in the import file. The user is able to download the import template (to review the rules of the import) and the original import file
- For an import with a status of FAILED, some or all of the rows in the import file will be flagged as being in ERROR. These rows will be included in the RELOAD file which can be downloaded from this screen. Exact details of what caused the error will be presented in the RELOAD file.
- A history note will be written to every project view or order that was created via the import, identifying the specific import batch in the Description column. Clicking on this will take the user to the result for that particular batch import.