Should you have specific requirements regarding the evidence needed to support a claim you can identify the particular artefacts (i.e documents or images) needed for each item that may be claimed. Once these artefact requirements (tags) have been defined, suppliers can map items to artefacts based on these requirements.
Tags can represent a variety of documents captured at various stages of the workflow.In order to submit their final claim, a supplier must associate each item to be claimed with appropriate artefacts, using tags.
1. Select Components from the ConSol menu.
2. From the drop down, select Schedule Items
3. Search for the relevant item
Even though requirements have been configured for an item, unless the item is linked to a Service Category that is configured to enforce tags, the requirements will not be applied on orders.
4. Click on the link in the Tags column
5. On the next page, select the relevant tags from the Available Tags list. Each item can have multiple ‘tags’ associated, to identify the types of artefacts that are required to justify the supplier’s claim
A detailed description of specific artefacts requirements for each item is essential for Suppliers to understand expectations. They can be included in the Full Description field of the item. You can check and edit the item description to include these details by following the steps here.
6. Click Update
Artefact tags are defined by ConSol. If you would like to include additional tags, get in touch with our ConSol Support Team via the Support button on this page.