A bundle contains a list of Items and quantities. If the same Items and quantities are added often to Orders, it is much quicker to add the Bundle to the Order rather than each individual Item. The required Items must firstly be created.
The Bundle Item must first be created. It is a “container” to group Items together. It is created the same way as ordinary Items except that the Bundle checkbox is ticked. Next, the Bundle Item and any Items you wish to add to it must each be linked to the same Service Category. After this, the bundle can be created
1. Select Components from the ConSol menu.
2. Click Schedule Item Bundles.
3. Click Link Items next to the Bundle to which you want to add/remove Items.
4. To add an Item to the Bundle do the following:
- Click the required item.
- Enter the Qty if the quantity needs to be more than 0
5. To remove an Item from the Bundle, do the following:
- Click the Item on the Available Items list.
- The item is removed from the Selected Items list.
6. When all the items have been added or removed from the Selected Items list as required, click Update to save the changes to the Bundled item.
If items within the bundle have quantities specified, the bundle itself will display a value as the sum of the values of its component items. Items based on the selected suppliers contract rates.
Nesting bundles: Bundles can now be ‘nested’, enabling one bundle of items to be added to another bundle. This ensures that individual bundles can be managed and then nested in others to reduce administration associated with many similar bundles.