The documents attached to Orders and Project Views can be exported from ConSol. This can be useful when there are many attachments made to Orders by Suppliers. You can use the Filter Criteria feature of the Export Document screen when you don’t know specific Order or Project View IDs but want to specify a group of Orders and/or Project Views to extract the attached documents.
1. Select Interfaces from the ConSol menu.
2. From the drop-down select Export Documents.
It is strongly recommended to set detailed filters to limit the volume of data exported. If the criteria are too broad, the size of the zip file that ConSol attempts to create could cause operational problems on your computer.
5. If required, select a Schedule or Category from the respective drop-down list or use the find icon to search for a Schedule and Category combination.
6. If required, specify a date range when the documents were attached to the Orders and/or Project Views.
7. If required, filter for Project Views or Orders of a specific work type.
8. If only particular attachment types are required, select them from the Document Extension Type list.
To make multiple selections, hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard and then click each type you require. The selected types are highlighted in blue.
9. Once all the required filters are set, click Export.
10. The File Open window appears, select either Open with or Save File.
11. Click OK.
You can now locate the Zip file and open it. The Zip file contains folders for each “stand-alone” Order and Project View that had attachments to be exported.