The documents attached to Orders and Project Views can be exported from ConSol. This can be useful when there are many attachments made to Orders by Suppliers. Use this feature of the Export Document screen when you have a specific list of Order, Project View or Document IDs from which you want to extract the uploaded documents.
Before attempting this procedure you must create a spreadsheet (in CSV format) that contains a list of Order IDs, Project IDs or Document IDs. The Export Document function will use this list to determine which attached files to export.
1. Select Interfaces from the ConSol menu.
2. From the drop-down select Export Documents.
3. Click the Configuration Rules arrow to expand options
4. Select which type of list you will use from the File Content dropdown
The selection must match the type of items in the spreadsheet you will import. For example, if the spreadsheet contains a list of Order IDs, you must select “Order Ids” from the File Content drop down.
5. If specific attachment types are required, select them from the Exported Document Extensions list.
To make multiple selections, hold down the CTRL key on your keyboard and then click each type you require. The selected types are highlighted in blue.
6. Click Choose File to select your Import Configuration File (pre-prepared spreadsheet).
7. Select the relevant .csv file from your computer and select Open to upload.
8. Click Export.
If the file is very large it can take a considerable time for the zip file to be created.
9. The file will download and offer to select either Open with or Save File.
You can now locate the Zip file and open it. The Zip file contains folders for each “stand-alone” Order and Project View that had attachments to be exported.