The Company Overview Dashboard utilises your company data from the last 7 years. This allows for deep diving into both past and present trends around order status, order values and percentages of late and on time invoice payments.
Available to users with System Administrator and authorisation to view all company data, this dashboard puts in depth analysis in the right hands.
Broken down by Dashlet, here's what's included in the Company Overview Dashboard
Company Metrics by Schedule
This dashlet provides a summary overview of key information relating not just to the overall number of orders within your company, but also the monetary value of work being actioned and paid.
At a glance you can view total numbers of active and late orders against a total number order count in your worklist, understand the value of outstanding payments against total paid and see average service period of orders broken down via work schedule.
Company Order Status Report
This dashlet breaks down all orders by order status within each Schedule in your company's worklist. Hovering over any pie segment displays the percentage of orders currently sitting at the relevant status.
This visual representation is useful in understanding at which status orders might be taking longer to process within each schedule, and ultimately assisting to determine where resources or assistance may be needed.
Company Aged Tail
Separated into time periods similar to those found in your worklist, this dashlet provides a view of the total number of active orders that are late, and the total amount of active orders that have upcoming due dates.
For clarity, a simplified order status (Cancelled, Completed, Other, and Work Done) has been utilised to group together stages of the order lifecycle. Understanding both overdue and upcoming work in the present, or through filters showing a point in time, allows for a thorough understanding of bottlenecks in completion.
Company Order Value
This dashlet gives users a visual display of their company’s average costs each month by Schedule, providing users with an instant snap shot of comparative value across all work.
For further information on interacting with Dashboards click here