Learn how to create filters and apply conditional formatting rules
1. Navigate to the reporting portal
2. Within the home page of the reporting portal, select 'View Reports' under the Reports subsection
3. Select the report to be formatted and filtered. For example - Invoices & Claims Submitted Report
4. Click on a column headings of any of the columns to bring up column options. For example - Invoice Total
Format Report
Format Example - Highlight 'Invoice Total' data that is greater than $1,250.00
5. Hover over the table icon from the column options to bring up the formatting option
6. Click on 'Formatting...'
Format column pops up with the Basic Formatting tab selected
There are 2 formatting options
- Basic Formatting - Changes to style of the heading cells
- Conditional Formatting - Conditional changes to the style of the column data
7. Select the Conditional Formatting tab
8. Click 'Add'
9. Define the Operator
10. Define the Condition
11. Configure desired column Format by editing relevant fields
The formatting configuration shown in the image above will highlight in orange all cells in the Invoice Total column if the values of the cells are 'Greater than 1250'.
Results of the conditional format of the column shown below
Filter Reports
Format Example - Filter for rows where the "Date Invoice Issued' is after 2021-01-01
1. Click on a column headings of any of the columns to bring up column options. For example - Invoice Issue Date
2. Filter on the Funnel icon to enter into the Filter menu pop up
3. Select the 'Show only rows where' option
4. Select an appropriate filter condition by clicking on the condition field (default conditions may already be set - e.g. 'Equals'). For example - Is after
5. Input the condition value to the field next to the condition field. For example - 2022-05-04 00:00:00
6. Click 'OK'
Results of the filter of the rows by the 'Invoice Issue Date' shown below
Tips and Troubleshooting
Repositioning Columns
1. Click on the headings of any of the columns to bring up column options.
2. Once the column options appear you will be able to click hold and drag the column into any position across the report