My Work is an advanced search tool that allows the User to filter the list of tasks that require action. The filtered results can be saved and quickly viewed again at a later time.
- Select Worklist > My Work.
Note: There are three main panels on the My Work screen:
- My Work Views Panel (A) - minimised in the screenshot
- Search Panel (B)
- Results Panel (C)
Panel A: My Work Views
This panel allows you to not only access stored views, but also provides some user-specific configuration options and tailored results.
For more information about views, visit My Work Views
For more information about views, visit My Work Views
If you have a saved view that doesn't have a defined date range, ConSol will automatically default to a time frame of one year prior to the current date. If you need a different date range, you can easily adjust the settings in your saved view.
Panel B: My Work Serach Panels
- From the View Entity drop-down list, select type; Project View, Order, Quote, Invoice or Activity. (The search fields change to match the selected entity type in the screenshot above "Order" has been selected)
- If you select Available to My Workgroup, you can see entity records assigned to other members of the Workgroup(s) you belong to.
- Action mode - Select “Actionable” to display entity records you can action. Select “Viewable” to see entity records that you cannot action because the expected action has to be carried out by someone else.
- Fill in the search criteria as required. (ie. Order Description, Invoice Number, Project view ID)
- Click the Submit button.
Panel C: My Work Search Results
- To view the specific entity record, click on the highlighted entity ID.
This is for View Entity = "Order"
This is for View Entity = "Order"
- To take the next action possible for a specific entity record, click the Action buttons.
For more information on Action buttons, see How To: Search for Orders
For more information on Action buttons, see How To: Search for Orders
In this panel, you can view, export and manage your results. See Export My Work Results and My Work: Managing and exporting search results for more information.