The Timeline of an individual Order shows the status of all related Milestones. The Timeline on a Project View shows all the related Orders and their Milestones. The Timeline is not available on an Order until the Order has been progressed beyond the Itemised stage and is ready for transmission to the selected Supplier.
1. Find and open an Order (or Project View) with Milestones.
NOTE: The Timeline tab is not visible if you click an Action button to open the Order. It is only visible on the View Order screen (which is accessed by clicking the Order number).
2. Click the Timeline tab to view the Order or Project View timeline (also known as Gantt View)
Each existing Milestone associated with the Order/Project View is displayed as a coloured diamond. The meaning of the diamond colours is as follows:
The coloured bar on the Timeline represents the Order. The position and length of the bar on the Timeline shows the Start Date and End Date of the Order (the duration). The colour of the bar represents the status of the Order. The meaning of the colours is as follows:
3. Users can do the following within the Timeline:
- If there are multiple pages (e.g. “1 of 2”), use the Page Down and Page Up buttons to view each page on the Timeline
- Jump to today’s date by selecting the orange target Icon
- Use the Next Day and Previous Day buttons (green arrows) to move the Timeline forward or back a single day (The Previous Day and Next Day buttons only work when the Timeline is zoomed to “days” or “weeks” view)
- Drag the slider to quickly move backward or forward on the Timeline
- Zoom the Timeline in or out by either selecting the “zoom” factor from the drop down list (“hours”, “days”, “weeks”, “months”) or clicking the Zoom In or Zoom Out buttons (blue plus and minus icons)
- Hover the mouse over a Milestone “diamond” to view a pop-up with information about the Milestone.This is the only place where you can see what the Anchor Milestone is linked to (Relative To:)
4. To view the Milestones within the Order or Project View, click the plus symbol to the left of the job ID.
Stand alone Milestones appear on the Timeline without any linking lines, whilst Milestones that are “chained” together appear on the Timeline with lines linking them. The top Milestone is the Anchor with each dependent Milestone below it.
When you are in the Project View Timeline, clicking the Project View ID on the Timeline has the same effect as clicking the Orders tab (Project View Orders are displayed).
When you are in the Order Timeline, clicking the Order number on the Timeline has the same effect as clicking the Detail tab (the Order Details are displayed).