1. Select Milestone from the Worklist dropdown menu.
Project View Milestones are listed at the top. They have no Order ID.
Chained Milestones appear below the Anchor Milestone of which they are dependent.
The list of Milestones can be sorted using the arrow buttons in the header of the table.
The dates are based on offsets from Milestone dependencies.
- Baseline Date: The initial, system-generated Forecast Date.
- Forecast Date: The Forecast date is an offset from a key date (for example Order Service Period Start Date).
- Forecast Entity End Date: The end date of the Order or Project View with which this Milestone is associated.
- Hour Difference:
Red negative number = Number of hours the Milestone is overdue;
Green number = Number of hours until the Milestone is due;
Blue number = Because the Milestone Target Date is pending, the hours cannot be calculated.
2. Filter the list of Milestones as required and select Search
The drop down list allows selection of which Milestones to display:
Project View – Display only Milestones associated with Project Views (doesn’t include Milestones associated with the Orders within the Project View).
Order - Milestones associated with Orders.
Project View and Order – all Milestones.
Include On Target Milestones shows all Orders or Project Views which have at least one overdue or at risk milestone. Depending on chaining of Milestones, it is possible for On Target Milestones to be shown even when this box is not ticked.
3. To manage the Milestones associated with an Order or Project View, select the relative ID
4. Make any necessary updates within the Milestones section under the Timeline tab.
5. Select Back to Milestone Worklist to return to the Worklist and manage milestones under other orders or project views.