Resetting your Password for ConSol is simple. Follow the below steps:
1. Navigate to the home screen of ConSol, enter your username.
2. Click the blue "Forgot your password?" link at the bottom of the screen.
3. An email with a password reset code is automatically sent to you.
You will receive the code at the email address associated with your username in ConSol
4. Locate the email in your account
The email will have the subject "Your verification code" and be sent by the email address Some users have reported the email going directly to spam.
5. Copy the code
6. Navigate back to ConSol. Enter the code
7. Enter in your new password, repeat in the confirm password field.
New passwords must be at least 8 characters long and include one capital letter, one lowercase letter, one number and a special character (such as !#$%)
8. Click Submit
A confirmation message will appear when password change has been successful