If you have transmitted an order to the supplier to action but would like to make further changes, or change the Supplier you've sent it to, you are able to Recall the order.
1. Select Worklist from the ConSol Menu
2. From the drop down, click Viewable.
3. Scroll to the Orders section and click Orders Not Yet Accepted (View Only).
Orders submitted to Suppliers can only be recalled directly if they are Yet to be Accepted.
Orders submitted to Suppliers can only be recalled directly if they are Yet to be Accepted.
4. Click the Action button to open the Order you wish to recall.
5. Scroll to the bottom of the View Order screen and click the Recall button.
6. The Order is recalled back from the Supplier.
7. To make the required changes navigate back to Worklist>All>Orders Not Yet Sent to locate the Order in your actionable items once again.