This workflow is only for users set up with the Senior or Hide Rates template, users set up with the Junior template will not be able to Submit a Final Claim. Requesting payment for a job is referred to as “Making a Claim” in ConSol. Once all work has been marked as complete within an Order, you are able to go ahead and submit a final claim and initiate the payment and invoicing process. Items that requiring supporting evidence to be claimed (ie documents, images, etc) will need to have that evidence uploaded and tagged to the appropriate item prior to submitting the claim.
1. Select Worklist from the ConSol menu
2. From the drop down, choose All
3. Scroll to the Orders section and click on Work Completed- Docket Not Yet Submitted
4. Click the Action button next to the Order you wish to process.
5. Click through to the Items tab and enter the Claimed Qty for each item.
At this stage in the claims process, you can adjust any incorrect, unused or variable items in the order by adjusting in the item line or selecting Add More Items.
6. Navigate to the Gallery tab to map relevant artefacts to the items you are claiming, should it be required by the Customer. Click here for more instructions.
If artefact requirements have been specified, a red cross or green tick will be displayed against each item to identify whether the requirements have been met. A claim cannot be submitted if there are any red crossed displayed.
7. When all items on the Claim are correct, click Submit Claim
8. The Claim Submitted Successfully screen appears. The Order now is with the Customer to verify the claim.
You can view this claim request using the Worklist > Viewable menu in the Work Completed - Docket Submitted For Approval (View Only) list.
The claim will be verified by the Customer Verifier. The claim will be available in the Requests for Invoice Worklist for users to submit an Invoice (non RCTI Invoices only)