Who: Commercial Contract Manager
When: Before a Supplier can be engaged to complete work, a contract must be created.
Please ensure you have the supplier's rates in the required CSV format when you are creating a contract
1. Select Contracts from the ConSol Menu
2. From the drop-down, select Find Contracts.
3. Click the Find icon to view the Supplier’s list. If you wish to filter the list of Suppliers, enter the search criteria and click Submit.
4. Select your chosen Supplier
5. Click the expand icon next to the Supplier Company Details to check the details of the selected Supplier
6. Select the required Contract Template from the drop-down list.
7. Click Submit.
8. Enter a new Contract # that will uniquely identify this Contract. This cannot be edited after the Contract has been created.
9. Enter key contract dates:
- Issue Date - the date the Contract is to commence.
- Expiry Date - the date the Contract is to expire. This can be left blank if contract is open ended.
- KPI Start Date - the date ConSol will begin calculating KPI's for this Contract.
The Contract is created and the Contract Status is set to Pending. The Contract cannot be made active until the relevant Zones have been specified and Item Rates have been uploaded into the Contract.
10. Select the Payment Terms, Contract Type and relevant Workgroups and Manager.
11. Click Create
The Contract is created and the Contract Status is set to Pending. The Contract cannot be made active until the relevant Zones have been specified and Item Rates have been uploaded into the Contract.