When a job is "active", you can request a variation to either change quantity on existing items or add new items. This handy step allows you to keep your customer updated with what’s required in real time, as well as ensuring you have everything you need to complete a job correctly.
Only users with the appropriate user profile permissions and order ownership can submit a variation within ConSol Mobile.
1. Navigate to the Active Jobs worklist
2. Select the relevant job
3. Click on the Items menu icon
4. At the bottom right of the screen click the icon.
5. Select Add Variation
Users require both order ownership and the appropriate user roles to submit a variation. More details on user permissions can be found here.
6. At the Request Variation Screen, you are required to enter in a reason why the order needs to be varied. Eg: The job requires 9 meters of pipe to be completed instead of 5
7. If appropriate, take a picture or video of the site to support your request.
8. In the Items banner, click the blue + sign. Existing items on the job are listed.
9. Tick the check box against those existing items in the Job that need to be changed OR search for a new item that you need to add to the job.
Should your order contain a Locked Bundle, a setting on your contract may limit you to only Request a variation for items within the bundle. If you can Request a Variation for items outside of the Locked Bundle, another contract setting may constrain you to only be able to Request Items for which you have a contractually agreed rate. If these setting need to be changed, please contact your Customer Contract Manager.
10. When you have selected the item(s), click DONE.
11. Enter your requested quantity for each of the listed items
12. Click ACTION in the top right corner to submit your request. This job becomes visible in the Variation Requests worklist.
Variation Requests can be saved for review or further refinement before submitting to customer.
Your customer will now need to log in and approve the submitted variation request. You can view their response in your worklist before the changes are applied to the job, as they may require further changes or include notes to be read before moving forward.